Also known as “The Destined Legend,” Leon is a comedian who has toured the country and abroad. He has been featured on several popular comedy shows, including: BET’s Comic View, BET’s One Mic Stand, P. Diddy’s Bad Boys of Comedy, Jamie Foxx’s Laffapalooza, Cedric the Entertainer’s Starting Lineup, and Bill Bellamy’s Who’s Got Jokes.
In addition to being featured on TV shows, he has a few film credits to his name, such as Barbershop (including its sequel) and The Tuskegee Airmen. His on-screen talent can be also seen in music videos for recording artists Ludacris, R. Kelly, and Ronald Isley.
In 2008, Leon was selected as a spokesperson for the EA Sports video game, Madden NFL 2009. His sports fervor was also heard on the airwaves back in 2005 during his two-year stint as co-host of Power 92.3’s radio show, “Sports Unplugged,” with ESPN writer Scoop Jackson and college basketball analyst Steve Bardo.
Leon has received a host of awards and accolades, including top honor for the Miller Genuine Draft Comedy Search, Chicago Music Awards Comedian of the Year twice, as well as a finalist in Comedy Central’s Laugh Riots competition.
Mr. Rogers is the host of his own talk show on the Fox Soul platform call “Later with Leon” where he has interview celebrities ranging from Chance the Rapper, Stephen A Smith, Wayne Brady, Gina Yashare, George Wallace, Roy Wood Jr, and others.
Mr. Rogers is also a up and coming DJ on the Chicago scene. His eclectic assortment of music and playlists, have moved crowds in various clubs across the city of Chicago. Not to mention he has the respect of his peers as not just being a “celebrity DJ” but a true student of his craft.
Leon began his career as a stand-up comedian in the mid-1990s. He has been steadfast in making his moniker, “The Destined Legend,” come to fruition.
A father of three, Leon is married and resides in Chicago, IL.